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The next 48 hours are important in enhancing, maintaining, and maximizing your whitening results.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

You’ve just experienced a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. 

Zoom whitening is a popular bleaching process used to lighten the discoloration of enamel and teeth. The discoloration may occur due to various causes, from drinking coffee to smoking. Aging can also stain and darken the teeth. Zoom procedure uses specialized techniques to accelerate the lightening of the enamel without modifying the structure of the tooth. The zoom teeth whitening treatment effectively brings about rapid and safe results and reduces the yellowing of the teeth. With rapid changes such as these, the procedure naturally has a few requirements for aftercare. Here are some points to keep in mind after the procedure. 

The first thing you notice after the treatment is that your teeth feel a bit sensitive.
Don’t worry, within 24 hours the sensitivity will settle.

Remember, whitening only BEGINS in the dental chair.
To maintain the dazzling white smile, you should follow the 5 essential tips below:

  • Avoid red wine, tea, or coffee as long as possible.
  • Don’t eat dark-colored foods like beetroot, tomato-based sauces, soy sauce, etc for the next 48 hours.
  • Don’t use colored toothpaste or mouthwash for the next 24 hours.
  • Don’t smoke as far as possible.

How to Handle Pain

While extreme irritation and pain are uncommon, some patients experience heightened sensitivity and pain from whitening procedures. This discomfort could manifest as annoying tingling sensations, usually called ‘zingers’ on the teeth. Usually, these occurrences of discomfort subside within 24 hours of the procedure. If the pain or discomfort does not go away after a prolonged period of time, it is advised that the patient immediately seek medical attention from the dentist. Our dentist may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines or anti-sensitivity gels to minimize discomfort. It should be emphasized that the teeth whitening procedure is safe and painless for most people. Following the instructions given by our doctor and proper use of aftercare gels and medications are essential.

Regular appointments and visits to the dentist are crucial and time-tested ways to keep the teeth healthy and shining. Besides whitening procedures, comprehensive dental hygiene may also require periodic realignment of the teeth.

If you'd like to discuss teeth whitening procedures with our team, request an appointment today. We'll find a time that's convenient for you and discuss your options.

Remember to visit Pearl Dental Clinic every 6 months for the regular dental check-up. Your dentist will keep an eye on the color of your pearly whites.

Enjoy your smile!


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We look forward to welcoming you.


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