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Are Dental Veneers Permanent? Exploring the Lifespan and Potential Considerations

Are Dental Veneers Permanent? Exploring the Lifespan and Potential Considerations

Teeth veneers are a very famous cosmetic dentistry procedure. Veneers restore your smile without causing any kind of permanent change in the structure of your teeth. But a question that usually accompanies the decision to get veneering of teeth—are dental veneers permanent? If not, then how long do they last?

In today’s article, we will discuss all the confusion that looms around this matter!

A life-changing decision

The traditional veneers created for film stars by Charles Pincus were made from acrylic materials. They were treated as a temporary solution to be worn during filming, photoshoots, or interviews. They were removable and, thus, not at all permanent.

With the advent of technology, the veneering of teeth became a more permanent and common solution for chipped or broken teeth.

Nowadays, the tooth's front surface is covered with a paper-thin porcelain veneer that is bonded to it.  But the question remains, how permanent are they?

Are veneers permanent?

The life expectancy of a veneer varies according to the type of veneer you are getting. Usually, permanent veneers or traditional porcelain veneers are applied by shaving a small part of the tooth enamel and then cementing the veneer to the teeth.

Although the process of getting a veneer is time taking and pretty delicate, it doesn’t mean that the veneer will last a lifetime.

The procedure is quite invasive. The dentist has to remove 0.5 millimeters of enamel to make space for the veneer. Other than this, they are quite simple to place on the tooth and last a very long time. Most of the time, you will only need to replace them two or three times throughout your lifetime.

Veneers typically last for 15 years, after which time they must be replaced with new ones since the bond between them and your natural tooth begins to deteriorate.

On the other hand, no-prep veneers and some composite veneers can be applied without shaving the enamel, but they are not as durable and last for only a short time.

Procedure to replace an old veneer

As we have already established, even with the best care, you will have to replace your veneers after a certain time. Here are some of the signs conveying that you need to renew your teeth veneers:

  • You notice any chip or crack in them
  • They are causing discomfort
  • Receding gums
  • You see areas of degradation

As soon as you notice any of these signs, contact your dentist, and they will guide you with the best course of action. Usually, the dentist will softly remove the veneer, along with a small portion of the enamel. In conclusion, your initial dental procedure for the veneering of teeth will be repeated.

In exceptional cases, the enamel of the teeth might not be enough for a new veneer due to deterioration or cavities. In that case, porcelain crowns are used.


Hence, the veneering of teeth is not a permanent solution but a durable and long-lasting one. Your veneers can last for years to come if provided with enough care and attention. The quality and type of veneers you get also play a vital role in the life expectancy of the procedure.

Contact Pearl Dental Clinic to get the best veneering procedure. Their expert care and professional service will ensure that your veneers will retain their effect for multiple years to come.

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